If you surveyed your organization and asked people whether they would rather attend training or serve on jury duty, what would the outcome be?
Most people innately like learning new things. How many times have you asked Google a question today? We know reading is critical to exercising our minds. Continuous learning forms a necessary part in acquiring essential thinking skills and discovering new ways of relating to people and situations.
Learning helps us to excel in our positions and careers. However, in our experience, when salespeople are told they need to attend a training workshop, the result is all too often a shrug and not-well-hidden eye roll. Whether for a single hour online, or a four-day jaunt across the country to participate in a conference filled with a room of their peers, rarely is the response positive. Thoughts go through their minds of “I really don’t have time for this.” “Great…another wasted day, terrible presentation, and irrelevant information I will never remember or be able to use.”
We’ve been there; we get it. We aim to change the attendee’s mentality and the attained results. Our sales trainers at Jacaruso Enterprises are sales professionals with real experience selling. In today’s market. Our trainers competitively compare whose sales training receives the highest reviews, and more importantly, RESULTS. Our training is different.
Here is what we have learned and what you can expect:
   1. Skilled and Knowledgeable in the Industry
Our trainers are industry experts. They understand the challenges facing salespeople in the field because they are currently walking in their shoes. They tailor both virtual learning and the classroom experience to meet participants’ needs in today’s environment. Our experience is directly related to the hospitality industry, hotel operation, and sales strategies.
Jacaruso Enterprises has led the industry in supporting the sales efforts of hotels in the US, Caribbean and Latin America with experience in all markets, brands, and economic conditions.
   2. Engaging and Relatable Delivery
The best sales trainers are passionate, and it shows. They embrace storytelling in their presentations. The stories are relatable and directly reflect the concepts they are coaching. The best trainers give their all to the class for the entire time frame, like an athlete playing at 100% the whole game. The payoff is huge when it comes to impact. We commit never to facilitate a class that is too long or lacks energy. Our training aims to present each new concept quickly, effectively, and in a way that clearly shows how to put it into practice.
   3. Relevant Content
If the information doesn’t resonate, the impact and results will be evident. While core skills may be transferable across industries, the authenticity of hospitality sales, hotel operations, and everything in between is directly related to travelers’ expectations. Your success is dependent on the changes
you make to accelerate your results. Our dedication to providing customized, industry-specific training that guarantees results and leading-edge techniques you can implement today.
   4. Embracing Vulnerability
If you cannot be comfortable asking questions, providing honest feedback, and taking risks while learning new skills, are you really learning? We embrace vulnerability. Our participant-focused training delivers tailored, challenging, and inspiring learning experiences in a safe environment for learners to complete at their own pace regardless of skill level.
   5. SHOW, Don’t TELL
Training should model the skills and concepts presented and share best practices for implementation. Scenarios, examples, and resources are provided throughout the training experience to provide insight on how to implement them effectively.
   6. Concepts for Solutions
Our training provides high-value, needs-based solutions to challenges you are encountering today. The focus is on ways to take a new perspective of your current situation, apply the skills you know, and pivot your solution to meet consumers’ needs today. We provide new concepts and tools that you can add to your arsenal to produce your desired results.
   7. Encourage Collaboration
Teamwork and collaboration are at the core of what we do. We know your hotel’s success is not with one person, sales department, or idea, but a tapestry of everyone working together cohesively. We strive to involve all key stakeholders in the training experience and focus each individual’s goals toward the effect they have on the hotel’s overall objectives. For your success to accelerate, each teammate should understand the business of hospitality and how their role affects the results.
To consistently outperform, we welcome your feedback. We beg for it. It’s that important to us. We strive to be the best trainers, continuously improving, inspiring your team with new ways to overcome challenges and positively impact performance. We are committed to you, your organization, and your results.