In a tough economy, it can be tempting for organization to cut as many costs as possible. While some cost-saving opportunities do make sense, it can be short-sighted to cut revenue-generating resources, such as sales training. The impact of sales activity can influence an organization months down the road. Truly competitive, driven sales individuals can get results and exceed expectations when given the right tools and training. So, in the big picture, sales training is a necessary, revenue-generating activity not wisely placed on the chopping block.
In the Darkness, Sales Stars Shine
Obviously, the sales skills required when demand is high are different than when demand is low. During the pandemic, when both the demand and the lead-to-close ratio have drastically changed, the ability to prospect is what sets apart good salespeople from great salespeople. Prospecting is a learned skill. When demand is high, we prospect for better business that will be more valuable. In times when demand is low, we rely on prospecting to uncover business and create demand. If your team hasn’t experienced selling in critical moments of decreased demand, such as immediately following 9/11 or during the 2008 recession, chances are you desperately need to learn how to find qualified leads. Sales training is more important now in the COVID era than ever, especially since it is an ongoing situation rather than an event.
The Value of Time
For the first time, an in-person connection is not best. Our clients and prospects are now working from home, possibly with spouses, pets, and children invading their workspace. Time is a precious resource, and it is even more valuable to our customers and prospects today. While everyone juggles these potential distractions, knowing how to communicate effectively to generate a response may look completely new and different for most salespeople. Every salesperson needs solid training on email subject lines that generate interest and voicemails that result in a returned call instead of a deleted message. The communication skills taught through training can help salespeople make the connections that this era demands.
Effective Remote Working
All of life today, including business, is not the same as it was pre-pandemic. Waiting for a return to the way it was is unrealistic. Setting up a remote office and knowing all of the technological tools to help maximize productivity is critical. At Jacaruso, we have a sales team nearly one hundred strong that has been selling remotely for a decade. We have real-time experience in the trenches and know how to lead and motivate a team of superstar sales professionals who work remotely. Since we know what works, the knowledge we can share with the hospitality industry is especially valuable now.
Hope for Long-Term Revenue Recovery
Maybe you’re convinced that sales training is necessary to your top-line revenue, but is there an economical way to do it? Perhaps you are re-working your business model so that the in-person workshops can now be facilitated online. Maybe your annual meeting costs are being re-allocated to monthly sales training with relevant topics impacting the team at a fraction of the cost. Regardless, making an investment in your team and helping them improve their skills in a challenging environment is the only hope for long-term revenue success.
Amanda Nicholas, VP Business Development
November 3, 2020
Amanda Nicholas, VP of Business Development, of Jacaruso Enterprises has led several revenue organizations through all demand cycles. Retaining a commitment to top-line revenues, including salespeople and resources, is how she credits her professional success of not only helping companies survive down markets, but position to thrive as those markets rebounded. She has now helped develop and launch a true training platform focused on results, Accelerate eLearning. Learn more atÂ